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Anthony Mossburg's avatar

Anthony Mossburg

Wherever You Are

One of the few cowrites I have done. Kind of about taking whatever comes your way.

1988 Views 1 Responses

Wherever You Are
Wherever You Are
Anthony Mossburg

You Don’t Owe

A song I wrote while my Grandma was in the hospital at 90 years old. Tried to keep it more general so that it could be taken into any relationship.

1391 Views 0 Responses

You Don’t Owe Me Anything (feat. Katelyn Read)
You Don’t Owe
Anthony Mossburg

Whiskey & Wine

I wrote this song after watching "Walk the Line". Hadn't known much of Johnny Cash before the movie, so afterwards I did a lot of research on him. This song is the product of that research and also the way I feel about myself.

1757 Views 4 Responses

Whiskey & Wine
Whiskey & Wine
Anthony Mossburg

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